The Apostate
by Jack London

Information on Jack London and His Works
The Writings of Jack London
Child Labor in History
Child Labor Today

Information on Jack London and His Works

The Jack London Collection
This site includes a biography, documents, photographs, information for students and a web links.

Jack London
This English version of a German web site has comprehensive information on Jack London, his writing and his life.

Jack London, His Life and Books

The Writings of Jack London

The Writings of Jack London
Online texts of his books, short stories, essays, and news articles.

The Apostate
This short story, first published in 1906, is a complete online text.

Child Labor in History

Child Labor in America
The photographs from labor reformer, Louis Hine, show the working conditions of children in the late 19th century.

The Evolution of Childhood
This chapter from a psychology text shows how the concept of childhood has developed over time.

The History of Child Labor
"Part of a site about Exploitation of Children in the Workplace, by a group of students at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana. This page by Laila Shahrokhi, about the history of child labour in Britain and the US, is no more than a very short summary."

Child Labour in the 19th Century
This is about child labor during the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.

Child Labor and Reform in American History

Child Labor in America
A lesson from the American Memory Collection of the Library of Congress.

Evidence Given Before the Sadler Commitee
Evidence to Parliament about textile workers in England.

Inflation Calculator
Students often want to know how much an amount of money would be worth in today's dollars.  This web site allows students to make those calculations.

Child Labor Today

UNICEF’s Child Labour Page
Links to reports and web sites about child labor today.

Free the Children
This organization was started by a Canadian student, Craig Keilburger, when he was only 13 years old. Since then Free the Children has become a major force influencing import laws and working to end child labor all over the world.

Child Labor in Pakistan

International Child Labor Program

Teaching Children about Child Labor
This is a teaching kit from UNICEF.